
Friday, December 3, 2010

Crisis Averted

Relieved, cropped

Well, when I went to Psychology this morning, I found out that they had gotten the wrong impression from the blog post that I tried to mail to you. Not only did the doc think that I was suicidal, he thought that I had created an alternate personality named “Billy”!

So what did I do? I just told the naked truth. I even brought in the screenshots of the blog, and that flyer you sent which contains the regulation revisions allowing inmates to act as reporters. That basically cleared everything up. Of course, the psychologist made photocopies of EVERYTHING to include in my inmate file as evidence. Since all of those papers had to go through the mailroom to get to me in the first place, the fact that I have a blog should be old news to the police.

My emails and phone calls are probably going to be looked at with more scrutiny from here on in, but since I’m doing nothing wrong, I should be ok. I was afraid they were going to press me for more information concerning Billy, but they did not. My integrity as a reporter is safe. (I had even gone so far as to get a canvas bag from the officer's station, to pack my things before I left to go to Psychology. I really thought I was going to be sent to the hole.)

From what I hear, the letter should still be sent to you intact, so you should have something by Tuesday.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program . . .


  1. Ok, I was wrong. Joe isn't on Comedy Central.

    He's on the Soap Opera Channel....

    It just amazes me how much they managed to "read between the lines" on that one.

    Joe can't kill himself. His public needs him.:-)
    Hebrews 13:3

  2. I have been reading Joe's blog for the past couple days. I find everything he has to say very interesting. Good luck to him, and please keep on blogging! :)

  3. Hebrews 13:3 and Anonymous, thanks for your support and encouragement. I'll make sure that he gets to read your comments. Take care!
