
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Welfare Candy


We just got our Christmas Bags today. Is it just me, or are they smaller than last year's? The bags are filled with less than $10.00 worth of fun size bags of chips and candy bars. Yay. Next year, they can just keep the bag and subtract one day off my sentence instead.


  1. Wow. Didn't see that one coming. Hope Editor will let this little bit of little tough love slip through. Sounds like you might need a little uplifting inspiration.

    I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is for you Joe.I know that this time of year must really take a toll on inmates. Separated from loved ones, cooped up, lonely, angry, regretful, resentful or bitter. I can't go into specific details, but I empathize, I really do. I also know that emails and blogs can add or lose something in translation. Maybe this short post was meant to be sarcastic, or just a light-hearted example of irony, but as someone who does quite a bit of fundraising around the holidays I can assure you that there are many out here in the Free World who wouldn't complain about a handful of ANY food.

    Perfect example, earlier this month I contacted my local county jail to ask if the inmates received anything special for the holidays since they are not allowed gift packages whatsoever. Nope, nada, zilch, not even any special food is served, not an extra piece of a mystery meat or hockey-puck cookie. Naive as I was, I asked if they would accept any public donations from individuals or organizations i.e. candy, books, hygiene products, or just a boxful of generic Xmas cards to hand out. Nope, no mercy, no compassion allowed. "Thank you for your generous offer, but they are criminals." I was told.

    Anyway, you seem to have quite a few people cheering you on, more than the average "joe", so remember how blessed you are and just give those bite-size treats to someone deserving who might need a lesson on the spirit of giving. It's a tough Christmas for a lot of us this year, but hopefully you can rise above it all and stay positive. Take care and be strong.


  2. Anonymous,

    In all fairness to Joe, he had NO IDEA that I was going to post his email to the blog. It was just a quick, private message meant for my eyes only. So please don't judge Joe based on a short message meant only for ME.
