
Thursday, December 16, 2010


Cattle in snow

It's snowing here today, and the cops have pretty much decided to keep us cooped up in our housing units. They can't have one of their precious cattle breaking a leg in the snow and ice, after all. So anyway, that is what's happening with me today. I'm ankle deep in snow, but knee deep in boredom.


  1. Aww, sorry you can't go play in it. But look at the bright side, the way the gov't works with prison healthcare.. if you break a leg they might just cut it off. :O Better safe than one-legged...

    anonymous #1

  2. I second Anonymous #1:

    Snow Angels are highly over-rated. I made one once in my life, got soaking wet down to my thermal undies, froze my special place and immediately packed my bags and moved to Florida. Nuff said.

