
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Chomo Gremlin

Chomo Gremlin

See the above title? In a sane world, such a thing would be an oxymoron. But guess what? I’m in PRISON. There is no sanity in prison.

In my unit, living a few doors down from me, is a well-known sex offender. He’s not shy about it, either; he’ll tell you all about his crime if you ask. This guy’s in federal prison for dragging his own wife across state lines and forcing her to work as a prostitute. Physically, he’s HUGE and menacing, and he gets along well with the thugs and the other riff-raff I never care to associate with.

How does this well-known sex offender get along with the general population so well? He harasses other s.o.’s to keep the heat off himself.

This is a new level of disgusting. He’s a sex offender who will demand to see paperwork from new arrivals who he thinks are s.o.’s, and he has been known to check people into the hole from time to time. (I don’t see why he does this when the vast majority of us are s.o.’s anyway.) If you come on the compound, don’t give him anything but a well-placed “F*** YOU!”

This guy won’t hesitate to circulate your paperwork among his peers and harass you as though HE’S not an s.o. himself. His mentality: HIS crime isn’t against a minor, so it’s acceptable. AND THE THUGS BUY THIS!

He’ll sit around with some of his slimeball friends and snigger about some other guy’s misfortune while HE gets a free ride under the radar. I have a hard time believing it myself, but it’s true. I’m just lucky that he seems to like me for some reason, so he doesn’t bother me at all.

So in conclusion, if you’re reading my blog knowing that you’re headed to prison, DON’T be like this guy. It may work for a time, but I know if this guy were in any other prison, things would eventually backfire on him. And if that happened, the only people that would take him in would look the other way while the gremlins got him. Side with the enemy at your own peril.


  1. Joe, I ran into a guy like this in state prison. He was an older guy, not as aggressive as this gremlin, but always pointing out SO's and whatnot. After I was released, a local attorney released a book on him. Apparently, he is a serial rapist and murderer. Either the "solid" guys knew about it and didn't care or he bamboozled everyone.
    I'm always wary of those who protest too much, inside or out.

  2. Wow Joe, you sort of answered a question I always wondered about but was too afraid to ask. Is there a separate caste system within the SO prison community itself in reference to which sex crimes are considered "worse" than others? And if so, is their self-proclaimed caste system accepted by non-SO inmates and/or guards?

    Yuck, it's such and ugly topic to even think about let alone ask outloud, but I've never seen anything written about it. I assumed it was just another one of those unspoken secret taboos that never get confirmed or denied. Take care of yourself Joe,

    No joking around today,


  3. Hey A#3,
    yes the unspoken, unwritten caste system within the SO prison community exists, even on the outside. I wrote a post about SO counseling where I briefly talked about the hierarchy.

    The guy Joe is talking about- guys who aren't SO's are scared of him to say the least, which is how they can justify his behaviors. They'll just say "at least his victim wasn't a kid" etc...

  4. To A#3:

    Yes, there is sort of a caste system among SO's. It's mostly an informal rule though. We use it to sort of police ourselves in the inmate population.

    If you are the sort of SO who is known for cutting kid pictures out of magazines, and you're chasing all the new arrivals begging for sex, then we stop hanging out with you. Guilt by association is a common theme in prison, and most SO's don't want to be associated with the REALLY crazy people. In here there are the chomos, and then there are the SUPER chomos.

    So if you are an SO in prison, at least try to have SOME class and exhibit a little self-control. Not all of us are completely unrepentant.

  5. Thanks Joe and Richard,

    That was my general consensus in a nutshell. For some reason I pictured serial rapists and other more horrific sex offenders strutting around yard confidently and in some fashion being relatively "safe" from harassment since their crimes didn't involve "children". Ughh! If that's the reality, it truly s**ks.


  6. It was interesting being able to read your stories. My husband had been charged with 15 accounts of child porn 3 years ago. He was given a plea bargain and he took it. This all happened before we got married. At the end of this august he will be off probation and will be done with his treatment classes. I dont know what would have happened if he had of gone to prison. I really dont think he would have survived prison. I know of the crap he has to hear on the outside and that is bad enough I could have never imagined what a S.O would have to hear and deal with on a daily bases in prison. I wish you the best of luck on the inside. Stay safe. When you get out it might be a little tough, but you will be fine.
