
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Editor Requests Assistance

Help Wanted

EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is my shout-out to all of you readers! I’d like your assistance with an upcoming project. I will NOT be providing monetary compensation for your help, so if you’re looking to generate cash up front, there is no need for you to read further.

Also, you must be sympathetic to the needs and struggles of current inmates, future inmates, and their loved ones. That applies to ALL classes of inmates, including accused sex offenders. If you find this offensive, please do not read any further.

Well, if anyone is still reading this, I am looking for the following:

  • Logo creation for a website, and full legal rights to the logo and design. In exchange, you will receive a statement (on the website) giving you credit for creating the logo, and a link back to YOUR website.
  • Home-based business products, training and packages that will meet the needs of individuals who need to replace the income of an incarcerated loved one, or the needs of a person on parole/probation, or the needs of those who must generate income (because of job loss) while awaiting sentencing and/or incarceration . NOTE: NO SCAMMERS NEED APPLY! All proposed home-based business opportunities must be legitimate and profitable. Also, I reserve the right to request a FREE copy of your product for evaluation purposes. Furthermore, should I select your package for review and/or sale on the site, you must agree to the following:
    • Your product must sell for LESS THAN $50.00. No fair breaking up an expensive package and selling the modules separately!
    • You MUST give away ONE of your packages to a former inmate, or to the family of an inmate. (We can discuss later how to select the recipient.)
  • Several useful and informative reports to give away (that’s right, for FREE) to the families of inmates, and to individuals who are awaiting sentencing and incarceration. (This would be a nice project for attorneys or sex offender counselors, BTW.) Your name and contact information would be included in the reports. (Don’t bother showing me JUNK reports full of fluff, just as a tool to funnel people to YOUR website! The reports must have value, all on their own, to Joe’s readers.)
  • REAL housing solutions for released sex offenders. Show me something that will help those individuals who have been forced into homelessness by the registry.
  • Reviews of products or services that are useful to released inmates and/or to the families of inmates. This is where ALL of you readers can contribute! (I reserve the right to determine if the product or service is of value to this particular group of people.) It doesn’t matter if the product or service is local to you. There will always be someone in YOUR area who will be able to benefit from what you can tell them about a product or service that works for YOU.
  • Ideas from YOU! Tell me what you would like to see, and what you would like to learn more about. What are YOUR needs as you try to reintegrate back into society? What would help YOU as you try to work and raise a family while a loved one is incarcerated? What are the specific needs of released sex offenders that need to be addressed? I will create a Suggestion Box for you to use to input your ideas and questions. In the meantime, you can contact me directly.

That’s enough for now, I guess! Please contact me directly at I look forward to hearing from you!

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