
Monday, February 7, 2011


man reading newspaper

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Joe has asked me to tell you that he’s taking a short break. Not much is happening right now and he doesn’t want to bore you, so he is taking some time off from writing to recharge his batteries. (Frankly, I suspect that his wayward muse has flown the coop, and Joe is once again trying to track her down!) In the meantime, Joe would like for you to post any questions you have to the “Ask Joe” page, and he’ll respond as soon as possible.

Let’s hope that Joe returns in a couple of weeks refreshed and energized. Who knows, maybe we could even see a return of Indiana Joe! One can only dream . . .


  1. Joe, I too am facing the possibility of going to prison for possession of child pornography. What is your opinion on what I should say if someone asks me what I'm in for? I have heard ALL of these opinions:

    - Tell the truth: You will earn a bit of respect for being up-front and honest. And they'll find out eventually anyway. (My fear: Obviously, I'll be outcast immediately.)

    - Lie: Research convictions with similar times and choose one that is credible for you. (My fear: They'll find out eventually anyway, and then I will have lost credibility.)

    - Simply don't answer: It's none of their business anyway. (My fear: Surely this is the dead-ringer for a chomo. Who else would try to hide the truth? This seems like the most cowardly approach to me.)

    Which do you recommend?

  2. Praying for you, Joe, so that you will be refreshed and ready to face the world with new-found enthusiasm to make a difference for others who made that same irretrievable decision. :)
